Abrupt Change of Plans...Off to the Dempster Highway!

I'm sitting in the Nahanni Inn in Fort Simpson in the Northwest Territories. As of yesterday, there has been a dramatic change of plans...rather than heading north and east to Baker Lake to go out with Tundra Tom in Nunavut, we have been forced to revise our trip after Tundra Tom had his guiding license revoked by the Nunavut Government this week. So the Barrenlands of the Thelon are out, the Dempster Highway and Inuvik are in. Watch the tracker http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0PvNx0qjnH7LNj7QMHSS0z2kVcaOVno6u in the next few days as we embark on a giant pilgrimmage south, then west, then finally north on the Dempster.

Hopefully we'll find something great to photograph! I'll try to report from the Dempster, but until then, happy shooting!


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