SNAP! Harvest Moon Workshop Prizes Announced

My upcoming instructional field photo workshop in the Canadian Rockies with Darwin Wiggett and Samantha Chrysanthou from October 21st-24th is nearing our final registration date of September 15th.

Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada - SNAP! October Nature Photography Workshop

We may have more availability after that date, but for now we can only guarantee you a spot in the workshop if you sign up by the 15th. And to celebrate our second big event with SNAP!, we're offering some fantastic prizes to those of you that do sign up, including two great prizes from The Camera Store, Western Canada's biggest and best camera store (and the one I swear by religiously). Check out Darwin's blog entry on the other prizes available, to which I am officially adding a full set of my coffee table books (signed, sealed and delivered) for the 20th registrant!

Note that we are almost half sold out for this event already, so if it is of interest to you, contact Baker Creek Chalets right away and put down your deposit.

Hope to see you there!


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