This old farm house on the prairies caught my eye immediately on my first drive by. It had a beautiful row of hedges on either side framing the big entrance-way and some glorious puffy clouds up above it.
An abandoned farm house on the Canadian Prairies |
This image is a part of my Mastering Compositional Techniques talk that I'll be giving at Baker Creek Chalets this weekend as part of our latest SNAP! Nature Photography Series of Workshops and Seminars. It's my final workshop of the season and will bring to a close a hectic last few months of travel and instruction.
As of Monday, I'll be free as a bird to watch Canucks games, drink a few pops, and edit the two years of images that I'm behind on...ULP, ah well, there goes the bubble bursting :-(
Have a great weekend everyone!
JohnLabels: canadian prairie photography, old stuff, photo of the day