Photo of the Day - Sockeye Salmon II

In case you missed last week's tribute to and photograph of the incredible sockeye salmon run up the Adams River near Salmon Arm in British Columbia, here's another of my favourite images from my many visits to the river over the past 40 years (yeah, I'm officially that old now, scary!!).

Sockeye salmon carcasses along the Adams River near Shuswap Lake in British Columbia, Canada

A few people have asked me how I go about getting images of salmon and I've included a few tips in the Comments section of last week's sockeye post.

I grew up in Salmon Arm and have been visiting the Adams River and Scotch Creek salmon runs for as long as I can remember.  And contrary to popular opinion, I think the best years to visit are in the 'off'' years, when there are hardly any people around and still several hundred thousands salmon plying their way up the main river and the various side channels.

The giant run this year actually caused a bit of anxiety on my part on my grizzly bear tours in B.C. because the bears didn't have to work nearly as hard for their meals, meaning that they could pop down to the river/lake, grab a quick fish, then depart, all without having to deal with a group of curious photographers in boats.  Thankfully, we still averaged 7-10 grizzlies a day and I was able to sleep at night.  Ha-ha!

The sockeye salmon photo above was taken with a Canon 5D, and a 70-200 mm lens set at 80 mm. The exposure was 5 seconds at f22 at ISO 50.  I used a warming polarizer and a manual flash (on-camera with flash compensation set to 0) to help illuminate the fish and make the colours vibrant.

Happy shooting!


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